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    Yorgos Sapountzis

    Material ?!
    06.08.2018 – 25.08.2018

    • Nacktes Erbe: Wir brauchen Euch Alle, exhibition view, Made in Germany drei, 2017, Sprengel Museum, Hannover, photo: Sprengel Museum Hannover, Michael Herling
      Portrait photo: Andreas Lux
      Medium/Media: Installation, performance, sculpture
      Location: Festung Hohensalzburg

      Languages: English, German, Greek
      What to bring: Your favourite artist material
      Requirements: None
      Maximum number of participants: 20
      Co-teacher: Norbert Witzgall
      Participation fee: € 950,– (€ 710,–)


      Our world consists of an infinite number of things, of an infinite variety of materials. Almost all these materials can be used in artworks. But how can we find the right material, how can we establish a sustainable relationship with this material? This is the question participants in Yorgos Sapountzis’s course will explore.

      Starting by reconnoitring the space, in short performative exercises they will make a study of diverse materials with which they have already worked or new ones they wish to investigate. What is my relationship with the space I’m working in? How do I find “my” material? How do I establish a relationship with it? By means of these and similar questions, the participants will discover their “own” material and establish with it a relationship that enables them to employ it creatively.

      The aim of the course is for participants to develop their personal material world, thus learning how to express exactly what they wish to say. Participants will work on their own projects as well as in the group. Group work will focus on questions of the body – their own, and that of the work going on in the room.

      The course concludes with the final presentation, which will be prepared collaboratively.