Open Call
OPEN CALL for Pecha Kucha transcultural exchange
The Salzburg International Summer Academy of Fine Arts is planning the conference
Global Academy II, Examples of Transcultural Exchange
August 11–12, 2018
Concept: Hildegund… more »
Summeracademy: What does the term “Heimat/home” mean to you?
Ahlam: Santu Mofokeng has written: "The notion of 'home' is a fiction we create out of a need to belong."
Home's inaccessibility and evasiveness is responsible at one and the same… more »
countdown: 4 more days and we will publish the course programme 2018 here...
our new webpage takes a few more weeks, due to the flue and other reasons ... more »
A lot of the participating students and teachers can't attend all of our evening events, because they want to continue working in the studios. Furthermore there are a lot of other interested people that just can't come to Salzburg for a single lecture. … more »